You are currently viewing Garage Paint: Andy’s 240sx (Part 2)

Garage Paint: Andy’s 240sx (Part 2)

For PART 1: Click HERE

Welcome to part 2. This is where the car went from your typical, ratty looking drift car to a well done, flashy, yet JDM inspired drift car. Its rare to find grassroots drifters with nice paint, but that was Andy’s goal. Having a buddy who does paint for a hobby was just icing on the cake.

Andy had done 98% of all the bodywork before we showed up for the weekend. Everything done to the car was completed by himself, learned by watching Youtube and reading online. Its definitely no SEMA award winning showcar, but it is one of the nicer garage built cars you will see.

While completing the bodywork, Andy had sourced some 3-piece Work Wheels and fitted proper sized lips.

It was all hands on deck for the final touches before paint.

Since there wasn’t much action other than sanding, I wanted to grab some detail shots.

At this point the bodywork was completed and ready to begin. We covered the car, stuck it outside, and began setting up the bumpers/fenders/sideskirts for paint. As this was a 2 car garage, there wasn’t space to be able to shoot everything all at once.

Mixing paint.

Almost all of my favorite shots from the weekend included people. There is nothing better than hanging out with friends working on cars. Well,maybe getting to hang out with friends, shoot photos, and not actually do any of the physical labor is the best.

Bumpers/Fenders/Sideskirts completed. A few close up detail shots trying to showcase the color.

The color chosen comes from a BMW option, along with some black flake chosen for certain aspects of the kit.

We pushed the car inside to get an idea of how it was coming together. The angle light hits the paint drastically changes how it photographs. It can go from a bright purple to an almost black depending on light source.

Really wish I would have had my 35 F1.4 here instead of my cheap F2. Would have really blown out the background and brought more attention to the bumper.

Mounting fenders and hood to get that first look at what it may look like.

One of my favorite shots from the weekend. Just a solitude shot preparing to spray the first coat of paint on the actual body.

Final cleaning and prep.

My favorite shot of the weekend. I’ve been trying to focus on getting more context in my photos, and this shot is exactly what I was looking for. I enjoyed this photo so much that I actually printed it off and put it in my album.

This weekend during May 2019 was one of my favorite recent car memories. Not only did I see the culmination of so much hard work take form and become reality, but I was able to capture it for a close friend and share my these photos with him. You got a sneak preview of how the paint looked, but it does no justice to the finished product.

Part 3, the final photoshoot coming soon.

– Andrew

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